Aki Takase, the Berlin-based pianist, is one of the great personalities of modern jazz. Moments of freedom, form and humour characterize this stylistically versatile avant-gardist, the stubborn...
Takase,Aki Piano Duets CD1. Early Light 2. Circuit 3. Suite in Five Parts 4. Steinblock 5. Twelve Tone Tales 6. RTP 7. Gold Inside 8. Eight 9. Zankapfel 10. Thown in 11. Off Hand 12. Dwarn's Late...
Bert Noglik writes: "The pianist, two days in the studio, alone at the piano. A retreat in Zurich. Focus on the now, the recording is running. Preparation time for the new compositions: about a year...
The Schlippenbach Trio has worked together as a unit for around forty-five (!) years. Their magic chemistry is founded on intuitive listening and interaction - the ability to respond in an instant -...