A mysterious drifter known as Brayker (William Sadler) possesses the last of seven ancient keys that hold the power to stop the forces of darkness and protect all humanity from ultimate evil. But the...
Directed by film producer Gilbert Adler (Thir13en Ghosts, House on Haunted Hill), co-starring Erika Eleniak (Under Siege), Corey Feldman (The Lost Boys, The Goonies), Aubrey Morris (A Clockwork...
Infested with a talented cast, thrilling special effects and the Crypt Keeper's deadpan delights, Demon Knight is directed by genre vet Ernest Dickerson (The Walking Dead, Dexter, Masters of Horror)...
A unique, sexy and terrifying anthology movie brought to you by three of the most fiercely original independent directors working in horror today. Bordello Death Tales is an ambitious and impressive...