Still lost two years after her mother's suicide, teen Mia (Sophie Wilde) joined bestie Jade (Alexandra Jensen) and her brother Riley (Joe Bird) at a high school party where kids were holding seances...
In a small woodsy Oregon town, a group of friends - sensitive Gordie (Wil Wheaton), tough guy Chris (River Phoenix), flamboyant Teddy (Corey Feldman), and scaredy-cat Vern (Jerry O'Connell) - are in...
Bounced from the Anti-Villain League for one failure too many, abandoned by his Minions, and wondering how he'll support the family, reformed criminal mastermind Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) gets the...
IT WILL GIVE YOU NIGHTMARES FOREVER! A rooftop sniper guns down 14 pedestrians on the streets of New York City. A mild-mannered dad takes a shotgun and blows away his wife and children. A cop goes...