The Three Mesquiteers was the umbrella title for a series of fifty-one B-westerns released between 1936 and 1943. The films featured the characters Stony Brooke, Tucson Smith and Lullaby Joslin as...
When a young Englishman inherits a ranch, none other than Gene Autry takes up the challenge of turning the Brit into a real westerner. He convinces the brit to use the ranch to raise horses, but...
Unusual, moody Western tale looks at jealousy, adultery, and a dangerous love triangle on the American frontier. Randolph Scott plays Owen Merritt, a humble farmer caught between two women (Joan...
Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn, Harvey Korman. Villagers must defend their small town from a group of mercenaries in this sidesplitting send-up that pokes fun at nearly every Western ever...
When new owner Spud arrives from England, Autry convinces him not to sell the ranch but to raise horses for the Army. When both Autry's and Neale's bids are the same, the Colonel calls for race to...