Tamango (1958) is a racially-charged adventure on the high seas starring Dorothy Dandridge (Carmen Jones) and directed by blacklisted American director John Berry (He Ran All the Way). This...
A giant arachnid is found in the desert (darn those pesky A-bomb tests!) and starts terrorizing a nearby town in this horror/sci-fi tale from "B"-horror legend Bert I. Gordon. Can two high school...
Cecil B. DeMille was set to direct a remake of his 1938 swashbuckler classic, the Buccaneer, he suddenly fell very ill and his son-in-law and screen legend, Anthony Quinn jumped in and took over the...
Look at her! She lives! So says Dr. Oliver Frank at the sight of his new creation, a hulking beast with the transplanted brain of a beautiful young woman. He has finally carried on the legacy of his...
Inspired by the Graham Greene novel, this intriguing drama stars Audie Murphy as an idealistic U.S. aid worker seeking to help the South Vietnamese in their struggles against French colonialism and...