The introduction of vocals for the first time, as an instrument and in a lyrical setting.1. Adonai 2. Popol 3. Vuh 4. Ghosty Head 5. Death in the Mind of the Living 6. Pneuma 7. Blessed/Cursed
Companion EP to Tarentel's breakthrough album, WE MOVE THROUGH WEATHER. "A furiously beautiful setting for the broken flutes and thickly woven neon Afghans of perfected sound - XLR8R"1. Isalais...
Companion EP to Tarentel's WE MOVE THROUGH WEATHER. "Sadcore like your mum used to bake, Tarentel come from San Francisco and are an extremely slow and lovely cross between that town's red House...
Tarentel We Move Through Weather CD1. Hello! We Move Through Weather! 2. Elephant Shoes 3. Get Away from Me You Clouds of Doom 4. Klankity-Klank 5. Bump Past, Cut Up Through Windows 6. Everywhere the...