One of the finer young tenor players on the New York scene in the last decade, Sam Taylor squares off against Philadelphia's acclaimed tenor man, Larry McKenna on "Along The Way." Taylor and the...
Cassie,Taylor Blue CD1. Memphis 2. Spoken for 3. Black Coffee 4. Goodbye 5. Bought Borrowed Stolen 6. Keys 7. Make Me Cry 8. Haunted 9. Disappointment 10. Waste of Time
Taylored In Silk, Johnnie Taylor's seventh album, marked a turning point in the veteran vocalist's career. Unlike his earlier recordings for SAR, Derby and Stax, the 1973 album brought out the...
Taylor,Johnnie Taylored To Please CD1. Groove Me 2. Cheatin on Me 3. I'm Not the Man You Need 4. Disco Lady, 2000 5. If You Take Your Love Away 6. You Couldn't Break Me 7. Kickin' Back, Chillin' Out...