Tenchu 3 / O.S.T. Tenchu 3 / O.S.T. CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Japanese Title 9. Japanese Title...
Persona 4 / O.S.T. Persona 4 / O.S.T. CD1. Pursuing My True Self 2. ????? 3. Welcome to the Limousine 4. ???????? 5. New Days 6. Signs of Love 7. ??????? 8. Your Affliction 9. Like a Dream Come True...
Sylvester Stallone's Rocky character was definitely a survivor and Survivor contributed two anthems, Eye of the Tiger and Burning Heart, to this 1985 film! Plus, this reissue includes another...