Set a year after the events of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," this sci-fi action series follows Sarah Connor's (Lena Headey) efforts to ensure that son John (Thomas Dekker) fulfills his destiny as the...
Based on author Terry Brooks' fantasy novel "The Elfstones of Shannara," this exciting series is set a distant future where magic has replaced science. In the region known as the Four Lands, brave...
Based on the 26-volume book series by Terry Brooks, The Shannara Chronicles tells the epic story of an Elvin princess, a bandit, and a half-Elf tasked with stopping the end of the world. Created and...
Blu-ray + Digital. Two BR set. In the early 14th century, veteran warrior and high-ranking member of the Knights Templar Landry du Lauzon (Tom Cullen) has grown disillusioned with his order. He finds...