The cover art for Plantoid's debut album, the jazzy, prog-rock opus Terrapath, is a desolate, misty landscape, where a massive half-vegetable, half-machine structure resembling a spaceship looms above figures shrouded in shadow. It's weird and eerie, but it also ignites a feeling of wonder and nostalgia, like cracking open your favorite sci-fi novel as a kid. Musically, Plantoid's cauldron harnesses multiple subgenres at once to concoct a sort of primordial soup, the molecules of which are built as much from progressive rock as they are jazz, fusion, folk, and even a bit of '70s hard rock for good measure. Plantoid are one of those bands that exceed the sum of their parts, with each member bringing a unique flavor that enhances their sound tenfold. Tom has been playing guitar practically his whole life, and his style, which fluctuates from lush finger-picking to reverb-laden rock riffs, sits very comfortably on top of Louis's jazz-infused drumming and Bernardo's intricate basslines. The band find their ace-in-the-hole with Chloe, however-as well as serving as Plantoid's principle lyricist, her soaring vocals, at times both angelic and alien, propel each song on Terrapath to new heights.
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