Based on a character from the successful horror anthology franchise All Hallows' Eve, Art The Clown returns and sets his sights on three young women, along with anyone else that gets in his way. Not...
As a string of unexplained phenomena and horrifying apparitions start to plague the homes of his suburban Buenos Aires street, a retired cop (Demi?n Salom?n) rings in a trio of paranormal...
Learn to play with intensity, speed and finesse! Paul Gilbert's Terrifying Guitar Trip takes you from the studio to the stage, with lots of thoroughly explained guitar music in between.
One Day University presents a series of video lectures recorded in real-time from some of the top minds in the United States. Given by award-winning professors and experts in their field, these...
SIX TERRIFYING FILMS THAT COMBINE HORROR SCI-FI SUSPENSE AND FANTASY featuring Rock Hudson Jennifer Jason Leigh Eric Stoltz Diane Ladd Roddy McDowell Deborah Harry and much more! CREATED TO KILL...