Produced with The Cryptic Corporation using archival tapes supplied by the group themselves, this package explores and expands the classic 1994 album - another series of character studies, based on...
The irrepressible Clark Terry, grand master of jazz, universally admired and loved, died on February 20th 2015 at the age of 94. His unique style of playing, so instantly recognizable became known...
Clarke,Terry Lucky CD1. Blue Daydreams 2. Crow Blues 3. In This Life 4. Pillow Talk 5. Gardinia Blues 6. Daddy Sunshine 7. Mr. Lucky 8. The Art of the Blues 9. Hummingbirds in My Soul 10. I Still...
Terry,Clark In Orbit CD1. In Orbit 2. One Foot in the Gutter 3. Trust in Me 4. Let's Cool One 5. Pea-Eye 6. Argentia 7. Moonlight Fiesta 8. Buck's Business 9. Very Near Blue 10. Flugelin' the Blues