Trickery. Deceit. Magic. In Orson Welles's free-form documentary F for Fake, the legendary filmmaker (and self-described charlatan) gleefully engages the central preoccupation of his career, the...
He was known as The Maestro of Splatter and The Godfather of Gore. But who was the real Lucio Fulci? When an actor (Nicola Nocella of EASY and Pupi Avati's THE YOUNGEST SON) agrees to portray the...
The Christmas-themed family film will follow Pat Keeley, a young man from Ireland who has emigrated to the United States and finds himself caught up in an escalating whirlwind of shenanigans that...
Five-time Emmy award winner Dennis Miller takes on the current climate like no other can in Fake News, Real Jokes! From selfies and airline travel to Trump and journalists, he delivers his signature...