Based on a true story, here is the thrilling, critically acclaimed account of Rudi Matt (James MacArthur), a young kitchen worker who is determined to conquer the Citadel - the jagged, snowcapped...
Michael Rennie, Jonathan Harris. The cool and worldly art dealer fully utilizes his many talents to double as a globe-hopping private detective in this retooled version of the memorable 1949 film...
In Season Three of this Emmy -nominated comedy, the safety of Tandy (Will Forte) and the group is in jeopardy as armed intruders storm the Malibu beach near their home, and no one can agree on what...
Orson Welles had several ways to excel in the cinema worldwide at his time. As a director, a screenwriter, an actor or a producer, he is considered as the ultimate figure of American cinema of the...
Leading attorney Shigemori takes on the defence of murder-robbery suspect Misumi who served jail time for another murder 30 years ago. Shigemori's chances of winning the case seem low - his client...