An authentic portrayal of teenage and parental angst, My So-Called Life expressed the challenges of growing up and growing older. Smart, bold and real, this series raised the bar for television shows...
My So-Called Life: The Complete Series is the long-awaited box set that tells the whole story of this beloved television show. An authentic portrayal of teenage and parental angst, My So-Called Life...
It's Christmas season in the mountain village of Calvary, but merry and bright have suddenly fled town: There are mass bird deaths. Blood red water running from faucets. Grandmas impaled by humongous...
James Franco directed and stars in this acclaimed, seriocomic look at the behind-the-scenes story of the now-infamous film "The Room" from 2003. Five years earlier, struggling actors Tommy Wiseau...
Jason Friedberg and Adam Seltzer the two guys who did EPIC MOVIE, DATE MOVIE, SCARY MOVIE, and MEET THE SPARTANS-bring you DISASTER MOVIE, a compendium of gross-out gags and reference-check...