The Elegance Series is a collection of breathtaking Ballet performances from internationally renowned houses with well-loved Dance Stars. They feature productions by the greatest choreographers that...
The diversity of Wayne McGregor's astonishing talent is demonstrated through Chroma, Infra, and Limen, each created for the Royal Ballet, for whom he is resident choreographer. Intimate yet...
The Royal Ballet performs works choreographed by Kenneth MacMillan. Elite Syncopations, featuring music by Scott Joplin and others, features Sarah Lamb, Mara Galeazzi, Valen Hristov, and Steven McRae...
This special collection includes three Royal Ballet performances of Tchaikovsky's beloved masterpieces: Anthony Dowell's majestic production of the beautiful and romantic tragedy Swan Lake, The...
Masterpiece: The Miniaturist - A haunting, sumptuous period thriller, The Miniaturist tells the story of a house where, beneath the lavish beauty and privilege, lie forbidden passions and dangerous...