Synopsis: Two high school besties become local heroes for reporting on a series of local murders in their small town. They happen to be the ones committing the murders, but like, whatever. Will they...
Realizing that he will be defeated in no time during a police showdown, a thug shoots himself to force the cops to cease fire and take him to the hospital, he claims human rights to refuse immediate...
Three Secrets is a darker variation of a theme first explored in a Letter to Three Wives. A plane crashes in the mountains of California; the only survivor is a five-year-old boy, who hovers between...
The Elegance Series is a collection of breathtaking Ballet performances from internationally renowned houses with well-loved Dance Stars. They feature productions by the greatest choreographers that...
Joining the staff of a Michigan mental hospital in 1959, psychiatrist Alan Stone (Richard Gere) sought to reject then-accepted treatments for paranoid schizophrenia. By arranging group therapy for a...