A SCANNER DARKLY charts the mental unraveling of Bob Arctor. Arctor is an undercover who has been assigned to track a group of individuals who include the druggily verbose Barris, the hyper intense...
Coming home from a party, stressed new parents Adrienne (Sienna Miller) and Matteo (Diego Luna) were arguing over what, if any, future they have-and then came the car crash. Stuck in an out-of-body...
Disney invites you to step through the looking glass and join Alice, the Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat and the Red Queen on a wild ride back to Wonderland! The adventure begins when Alice embarks on a...
Peter Howell joined the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in 1974, coming from a career in various psychedelic folk bands, which saw him record five albums with fellow musician John Ferdinando. He composed...