The first volume in this groundbreaking series explores the 20th and 21st centuries' most celebrated works for trumpet and piano; pieces which have allowed the modern performer to discover a...
Art Of Baroque Trumpet 1 / Various Art Of Baroque Trumpet 1 / Various CD1. Trumpet Concerto No. 1 in D Major: Adagio 2. Trumpet Concerto No. 1 in D Major: Allegro 3. Trumpet Concerto No. 1 in D...
Art Of Baroque Trumpet 3 / Various Art Of Baroque Trumpet 3 / Various CD1. Drottningholm Music: Allegro 2. Drottningholm Music: Allegretto 3. Drottningholm Music: Andante 4. Drottningholm Music: Non...
There's nothing like the glorious sound of the trumpet to fill the air with melody. Add the mighty power of the grand organ, the 'king of instruments', and the result is awe-inspiring. This disc...