Stern Bild City is a thriving metropolis where superheroes called NEXT's protect the streets, sponsors pull the strings, and a hugely popular show called Hero TV captures all of it. Veteran hero...
In the metropolis of Stern Bild, there are heroes who wear the logos of sponsors and protect the city from danger. Their exploits are broadcast on the popular HERO TV. Wild Tiger (Kotetsu T...
Hailed as the heroes who saved Stern Bild Kotetsu and Barnaby face a volley of media attention that includes their learning how to dance! Then Kotetsu deals with his conflicted feelings about...
The heroes of Tiger & Bunny are back in an all-new feature-length film! Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, a.k.a. Wild Tiger, and Barnaby Brooks Jr.s partnership comes to a sudden end when Apollon Medias new...