Just like Audrey Niffenegger's beloved bestseller, this adaptation promises to be an epic love story to please both sexes. Eric Bana (Munich) stars as a man who is unable to control his tendency to...
Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren, Jim Sturgess, and Diego Luna head an all-star cast in this sparkling film from the producers of PARIS, JE T'AIME. Set against the vivid backdrop of Berlin, BERLIN, I...
Tracey Ullman stars in the true story of Rosalie Boca, a woman who tried to kill her husband... four times! The devoted wife of a philandering pizza maker (Kevin Kline), Rosalie sharpens her...
When Mei Tachibana was unfairly blamed for a tragedy, not one of her so-called friends stood by her. In the heartbreaking aftermath, Mei found an easy way to avoid any future betrayal - to never make...
I Love You Man - Having no male friends, Peter Klaven is busy with his real estate work. His engagement to Zooey brings up a sticky situation; as wedding planning proceeds, Peter realizes he has no...