The Archies is a fictional garage band founded by Archie Andrews, Reggie Mantle, and Jughead Jones, a group of teenage characters of the Archie comic book series, in the context of the animated TV...
Big Sugar Big Sugar CD1. Sleep in Late 2. Come Back Baby 3. Motherless Children 4. So Many Roads 5. Bemsha Swing 6. Stardust 7. Groundhog Day 8. Just About Sunrise 9. Goodbye Train 10. Nowhere to Go...
How can you not love the cover of this remastered and expanded soul classic? Includes the single "Keeping Up My Front (Bumpity Bump)" which was picked as a "Top Single Pick" by Billboard magazine...
For all instrumentalists & vocalists w. Hank Marr on B-3 and drummer Jim Rupp, w. booklet. ISBN: 978-1-56224-208-4.1. Tuning Notes 2. Sugar 3. Misty 4. When Sunny Gets Blue 5. Sunny 6. Back at...