Yesterday's Tomorrow: Celebrating The Winston-Salem Sound In a fun, Nuggets-like trip back to the era of the Summer of Love, Yesterday's Tomorrow: Celebrating the Winston-Salem Sound shines a strobe...
2012 release. Following up on their acclaimed American debut the Plural of Yes (2009), Berlin singer / multi-instrumentalist Dirk Homuth and New York City lyricist Charlie Mason present Tomorrow's...
With production for the whole record supplied by THAVIUS BECK (LAB WASTE, Saul Williams), k-the-i? focused on a set of lyrics that run from love songs to New World Order conspiracies and everything...
Composed by multi-award-winning artist Michel Legrand and written by American poets Alan & Marilyn Bergman, this album is made up of a cycle of songs. It tells the story of a woman s life from...
Narbutaite / Vaskeviciute / Pavilionis No Yesterday & No Tomorrow CD1. La Barca - Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra 2. Kein Gestern, Kein Morgen - Various Performers 3. Krantas Upe Simfonija...