8 DAYS TO HELL is a horror anthology of 7 intertwined tales that follows the paths of several serial killers on their nights of terror and destruction through Los Angeles. The story begins with...
Just as Val McKee and Earl Basset decide to leave Perfection, Nevada, strange rumblings prevent their departure. With the help of a shapely seismology student, they discover their desolate town is...
February, 1983. Detectives are called to a residential address in the London suburbs following reports that the drains have been clogged by human remains. One of the property's residents, Dennis...
A wealthy and mentally disturbed spinster (Sandy Dennis) goes to extraordinary lengths to assuage her loneliness in Robert Altman's 1969 psychological gothic thriller. On a very cold and rainy...
If Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) thought his "graboid"-battling days were behind him, he'd better think again. Grudgingly recruited to help the staff of a remote island research station that's under...