Full Title - Surefire Hits on Central Avenue - the South Central R&B Scene. The first in Ace records series highlighting L.A.'s influential R&B scene of the 40s & 50s. Featuring 26 tracks...
Subtitled - the Central Avenue Scene 1951-54 Vol. 1. UK compilation draws exclusively from the vaults of Jake Porter's Combo Records & showcases everything from cool cocktail blues to some...
These songs revolve around the transformation from man to The ?bermensch (German for "Overman, Overhuman, Superman, Superhuman), through the purification of the fire and the metaphor of the warrior,...
Righteous meets riotous at the corner of Vernon and Haven! 24 more cool 1950s killers from the deep vaults of Combo Records. Features many of the most eminent artists and sidemen on the Los Angeles...