With The Trip, Roger Corman delves deep inside the mind of the artist. TV commercial director Paul Groves (Peter Fonda, The Wild Angels), with both his personal and professional life in crisis due to...
Modern-day "Romeo and Juliet" tale follows Nikki (Emma Roberts) and Leo (Hayden Christensen), childhood friends who reconnect as adults. It doesn't take long before the sparks are flying between...
Needing fast cash to salvage his business, London gallery manager Jack (Miche?l Richardson) dragged his estranged artist dad Robert (Liam Neeson) to Tuscany, looking to sell the family villa that's...
Blu-ray + DVD edition. Once believed lost, a copy of the original, hand-colored version of George Melies masterwork A Trip to the Moon was miraculously found in Barcelona, Spain in 1993. Initially...