The third entry in the popular comedy/sci-fi series finds the universe on the brink of destruction-and Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves) still haven't written the song that was meant to...
The third entry in the popular comedy/sci-fi series finds the universe on the brink of destruction-and Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves) still haven't written the song that was meant to...
Keanu Reeves (THE MATRIX) and Alex Winter (THE LOST BOYS) star in this outrageous comedy about two ditzy dudes from San Dimas, California. Bill (Winter) and Ted (Reeves) spent so much time forming...
Bill Preston (Alex Winter) and Ted Logan (Keanu Reeves) are two totally excellent dudes facing one most heinous history exam. With the help of Rufus (George Carlin) an ultra-cool messenger in a time...
Includes: The Captain's Paradise (1953) Captain Henry St. James (Alec Guinness) had a happy and prosperous life piloting a passenger ferry between Gibraltar and Kalique, and knowing he could happily...