1. Bajo los Naranjos (Beneath the Orange Trees) 2. El Jueves Santo a Medianoche (Maundy Thursday at Midnight) 3. La Feria (The Seville Festival) 4. La Madrilena Clasica (The Typical Girl from Madrid) 5. La Andaluza Sentimental (The Sentimenal Girl from Andalucia) 6. La Morena Coqueta (The Dark Coquette) 7. La Gitana Enamorada (The Gypsy Girl in Love) 8. La Florista (The Flower Girl) 9. La Senorita Que Baila (The Dancing Girl) 10. La Murciana Guapa (The Pretty Girl from Murcia) 11. Le Alegre Sevillana (The Happy Girl from Seville) 12. La Alfarera de Triana (The Potter from Triana) 13. La Mocita Del Barrio (The Young Local Girl) 14. La Macarena Con Garbo (The Stylish Girl from Macarena) 15. La Cigarrera Traviesa (The Sassy Cigar-Maker) 16. Mantillas y Peinetas (Mantillas and Combs)