In this conscientious and fun animated feature, California-born turtle Sammy learns vital skills of survival while traveling the world's waters. His 50-year odyssey brings him into contact with...
Sammy Sammy CD1. Rudy 2. Hi Fi Killers 3. Dim Some 4. Shoot It Around! 5. The Turtle 6. Babe Come Down 7. Fantastic Sam 8. Rico and Carl 9. Evergladed 10. Royal Flush 11. TZ Queen 12. Room No. 8 (DM...
Sammy Bernstein, an enlisted United States Marine, was one of the seventy-thousand men who stormed ashore Iwo Jima's volcanic ash. Sammy's Story is a coming-of-age story from his surprise enlistment...
The world discovered the exciting personality and talent of Sammy Davis, Jr. in the 1950s, when his albums made the Top 10 and the two albums on this CD twofer were released to critical acclaim!...
After years of playing with every major artist from Miles Davis to Mzariah Carey, Sammy Figueroa makes his recording debut on Savant Records with AND SAMMY WALKED IN.1. Syncopa O No 2. Niko's Dream 3...