As self-made Yank expatriate druglord Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) prepped to sell off his London cannabis empire to an Oklahoma billionaire (Jeremy Strong), the deal sparked riotous...
A hunter, a scientist, a vampire, an invisible man, an immortal, a spy, a beast... when a masked madman known as the Fantom threatens to launch global Armageddon, legendary adventurer Allan...
The present release features three great performances from Arena di Verona, featuring some of opera's finest artists including Luca Salsi, Anna Netrebko, Yusif Eyvazov, Irina Lungu, Marko Mimica, and...
A 3-Opera Digistack (Limited Edition) featuring great productions seen at the prestigious Arena di Verona: Bizet's Carmen, Verdi's Nabucco, and Rossini's Barbiere di Siviglia. Bizet's Carmen - one of...