Director Monte Hellman's acclaimed road drama features musicians James Taylor and Dennis Wilson as "the Driver" and "the Mechanic," two car-obsessed wanderers in a '55 Chevy who are challenged to a...
Leonard (Joaquin Phoenix) moves back into his childhood home following a recent breakup. He soon meets two women, Michelle (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Sandra (Vinessa Shaw) and becomes deeply infatuated...
Lowlife thief Frank (Denis Leary) thought he'd finally made a six-figure score with the painting he swiped, and decided he'd turn the weekend drop to an unknown buyer in Nova Scotia into a romantic...
Sleek thriller set in Greece and Istanbul in 1962. Intrigue begins at the Parthenon when wealthy American tourists Chester MacFarland and his young wife Collete meet American expat Rydal, a scammer...
In 1930s Calcutta, Anne-Marie Stretter (Delphine Seyrig) dealt with the ennui of being a French diplomat's wife with a string of affairs, but the many lovers won't suffice to quell the emptiness...