A fender-bender on a busy New York highway turns into an escalating battle of wills between recovering alcoholic Doyle Gipson (Samuel L. Jackson), whose chances of reuniting with his family are lost...
After his men are killed in Burma, Seth returns home in search of solace in the arms of his dead comrade's sister, Rebecca. She struggles her way through what she suspects is a military cover-up as...
For 10-year-old Leah (Kiera Thompson), life in a country vicarage with her moody mother (Denise Gough), detached father (Steven Cree), and bullying big sister (Hannah Rae) could be isolated and...
A quartet of midwestern twentysomethings decided to mark their first get-together since high school with a nighttime jaunt to a secluded neighborhood marked by the violent urban legend they'd grown...
For film geek Shaun Costello, The House On Cuckoo Lane, is an obsession. He has recurring nightmares about the tape and it's horrific contents despite never having laid eyes on it. His obsession...