Adapted from George L. Aiken's popular stage adaptation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's historic novel. Starring the well known African-American stage actor Sam Lucas, who broke new ground by here starring as the lead among white co-stars, including Irving Cummings. This feature will run about 54 minutes with a music score by David Knudtson. Edwin S. Porter's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903) Directed by Edwin S. Porter the earliest film adaptation of the historic novel is also one of the earliest full-length films. Using white actors in blackface for the major roles with black performers only appearing as extras it is similar to the traveling plays known as "Tom Shows" of the decades before and includes many stereotypes of the era. 19 minutes with a music score by David Knudtson. Our Gang in Uncle Tom's Uncle (1926) In this silent comedy short Hal Roach's Rascals are inspired to put on their own performance of the famous story to an audience of rowdy kids from the neighborhood. Directed by Robert F. McGowan it was the 50th Our Gang short released. 20 min with a music score by Jack Hardy.
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