Monstrous is a darkened metal band tastefully adding onto the rich legacy of Swedish-American metal with their uniquely heavy and gritty sound. Monstrous are the blade at the throat of death metal's...
World Under Blood Tactical CD1. A God Among the Waste 2. Into the Arms of Cruelty 3. Pyro Compulsive 4. Dead and Still in Pain 5. Purgatory Dormitory 6. Under the Autumn Low 7. I Can't Stand His Name...
Third release from the classic metal group hailing from the UK. If you like Iron maiden, Saxon, and Judas Priest, you might want to take a stab at Vendetta.1. Convergence 2. Halo in Black 3...
- One of the biggest crossover successes in reggae music returns with a new set of incredible studio recordings to celebrate the hits of our time! This 14 tracks of Under The Magic Sun feature superb...