A gritty fact based drama series that tells the astonishing story of a drug dealer who was arrested then given a desperate ultimatum: serve over 20 years in jail, or go undercover inside one of...
When "The Man" tries to derail a black candidate's presidential campaign, Undercover Brother and his fellow secret agents come to the rescue. Starring Eddie Griffin, Billy Dee Williams and Aunjanue...
While an elite cop is working undercover to infiltrate a notorious drug ring, his plan is compromised when a rival agency with a grudge attacks during a trade, killing the gang's leader. Their cover...
Turner Classic Movies and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment proudly present GLENN FORD: UNDERCOVER CRIMESan unprecedented collection of five fully restored and re-mastered crime classics never before...
DVD edition. After mysterious visitors arrive in the Kingdom, Princess Alise, Lucas and their friends go undercover on a secret spy adventure to see if they can be trusted. They will need all of...