The golden era of American soul music in the 1960s and early 70s is synonymous with the classic soul sides produced by an array of legendary performers for Atlantic Records during that momentous...
D Early Departed: True Lies Unearthed / Various D Early Departed: True Lies Unearthed / Various CD1. Through Your Bones (Matt Sheehy) 2. The Unfortunate (And Fictional) Slander of a Firefighting Hero...
Ace.1. (Do the) Mashed Potatoes 2. Everybody Loves a Lover 3. Money (That's What I Want) 4. What About Us 5. Just a Little Bit 6. Stupidity 7. If You Don't Come Back 8. Think 9. Be My Little Girl 10...
Deluxe CD/DVD release of material originally part of the landmark 7707 boxset. Unearthed documents vital and out-of-the-ordinary moments in the group's 30+ year history. The CD, Lost Cords, is a...
Crimson Thorn is well-known as the Christian Cannibal Corpse. A must-have for people who dig brutal death metal and the low-low growls. This album literally includes a liner note warning that no...