This hideous, darkly comic true-life story tells of Wong Chi Hang (Anthony Chau-Sang Wong), a demented restaurant owner who uses human parts in his pork buns. Wong becomes the subject of an...
Chock full of gore, nudity, and action, this rambunctious review of Australian exploitation fare of the 1970s and '80s is a wild documentary for the adventurous film fan. Outrageous, often...
Some see VHS as worthless plastic, but Adjust Your Tracking shows a vibrant world of collectors and movie fans who are keeping the format, and the movies, alive. Over 100 collectors, filmmakers,...
DOOMED! Explores the circumstances surrounding the legendary cult classic Roger Corman film, THE FANTASTIC FOUR. In 1994, Mr. Corman was asked to produce this classic story on a small budget. The...
How far will 15th-century Transylvanian royal Vlad Tepes go to protect his people? When Turkish ruler Sultan Mehmed II demands 1,000 Transylvanian boys-including Vlad's son-be turned over to him to...