DVD. In the Kingdom of Fiore lies a terrible weapon. Enter the Dragon Cry, a magical staff rumored to possess power capable of destroying the world. For years, it's been safely guarded and kept away...
In Metamorphosis (1990), a brilliant geneticist who is working on a serum which will stop human aging, but his colleagues don't believe in his work. In The Uranium Conspiracy (1978), an espionage...
A dragon is a large, serpentine, legendary creature that appears in the folklore of many cultures worldwide. Join us as we investigate ancient dragon beliefs and legends in this new documentary.
Liu Jin-xi (Donnie Yen) is a village craftsman whose quiet life is irrevocably shattered by the arrival of two notorious gangsters in the local general store. When Liu single-handedly saves the...
Orphaned and alone on the London streets, free-running scavenger Oliver (Rafferty Law)-or, by his preferred graffiti tag, "Twist"- fell in with a clan of young thieves watched over by the crafty...