Best-known for groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy works such as A Wizard of Earthsea, The Left Hand of Darkness, and The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin defiantly held her ground on the...
Bartone Les Enracines CD1. Les Enracins 2. A Genoux 3. Ma Chre Ex 4. Histoire D'amour Tide 5. La Dche 6. Fan Club 7. L'endormie 8. Taxi 9. Enfin! 10. Quand la Nuit Tombe Je Sombre 11. Roule 12...
Guinness,Alec Christian Poetry And Prose: Selected CD1. Revelations of Divine Love 2. How Many Heavens 3. Journey of the Magi 4. Not Only Death 5. Christmas 6. The Night 7. Parables 8. Lines from the...
Mia Doi Todd's 12th album, Music Life, was recorded in her native Los Angeles. The album features guest performances from Jeff Parker, Money Mark, Fabiano do Nascimento, Sam Gendel, Miguel...
Sixteen / Christophers Poetry In Music CD1. Faire Is the Heaven 2. Dance, Clarion Air 3. Weelkes: When David Heard 4. MacMillan: The Gallant Weaver 5. Gurney: Since I Believe in God the Father...