Gabriel Byrne, Kevin Spacey. This suspenseful drama centers on five petty criminals who meet in a jail lineup and agree to work for a mysterious crime lord. But was it all a setup from the beginning?...
Four small-time criminals and a crooked former New York cop, brought together in a police lineup, pool their expertise for a multi-million-dollar heist. The caper lands them in California and in the...
Four small-time criminals and a crooked former New York cop, brought together in a police lineup, pool their expertise for a multi-million-dollar heist. The caper lands them in California and in the...
A small town bank robbery leads to a brutal showdown between a sheriff and a mysterious stranger in this high stakes game of shifting identities and hidden motives, starring Mekhi Phifer (ER),...
When New York-based crime reporter Jim Raynor returns to his London roots, he doesn't expect to be under investigation for a bank heist. He certainly doesn't expect the American robbers he just may...