In the vein of vampire films such as "Twilight" comes this supernatural CW drama. As Elena (Nina Dobrev) tries to readjust to high school life after the death of her parents, she meets new kid on...
This psychological thriller, based on the Manga written and illustrated by Esuno Sakae, is about Yuki, a loner who's not very good with people. He prefers to write a diary on his cell phone and talk...
In the vein of vampire films such as "Twilight" comes this supernatural CW drama. As Elena (Nina Dobrev) tries to readjust to high school life after the death of her parents, she meets new kid on...
As a child, Yuki was saved from a vampire attack by another bloodsucker who sought to protect her. Now she serves as prefect at a school attended by humans in the day and vampires at night... but can...
Between adventures, Rimuru settles into a quiet life in his beautiful kingdom, Tempest. But a town full of monsters comes with plenty of mischief. As the year passes, Rimuru unites his people the...