In a post-apocalyptic world where food is scarce and danger is high, a new super virus begins to infect the remaining population and threatens to destroy what's left of humankind. As a special forces...
A shark bite spreads a virus across the globe, turning the world upside down. Deep below the ocean, a group of researchers race against time to find a cure. Something has infected the lab technicians...
When the crew of a crippled tugboat discovers a deserted, hi-tech Russian military ship, they also find a ferocious alien electrical life form wiaing inside, a bloodthirsty entity, learning fast how...
In Cathy's Curse (1977), a young girl is possessed by the spirit of her aunt, who died as a child in a car accident. Soon, people around her begin to mysteriously die off. In Virus (1980), a tough...
Utterly unaware that the eerily vacant house is imbued with the demonic force behind the brutal DeFeo Murders on 112 Ocean Avenue, an unsuspecting cleaning crew gets to work. However, before long, a...