The new film version of the classic novel by William Makepeace Thackeray centers on Rebecca (Becky) Sharp. Born into the lower class, Becky can rely only on her wit, guile, and sexuality as she makes...
Broadway diva Judy Carroll (Constance Bennett) loses custody of an orphaned baby after testifying on behalf of notorious embezzler Commissioner Al Howard (Walter Pidgeon in an early film appearance)...
The powerful, original gangster film that is based on the story of Al Capone's rise to power in Chicago during prohibition, in the form of mobster Tony "Scarface" Camonte, who fights his way to the...
The twelve chapter Mascot serial based on the novel by James Fenimore Cooper. Starring Harry Carey, Edwina Booth, Hobart Bosworth and Junior Coghlan. The last surviving Mohicans work with their...