Beethoven's Bagatelles, written three years before his death, were considered by the composer the best things of their kind that he had done, a true cycle of miniatures. Schumann's Morning Songs, with their visionary intimacy inspired by the great German poet Friedrich H?lderlin, were written just a few months before Schumann's tragic attempt to drown himself in the Rhine, due to his mental illness; his content is in stark contrast to his early piano works. As for Brahms' Chorale Preludes, written after the death of his beloved Clara Schumann, they are works of lonely self-communing and consolation, the ultimate fruit of Brahms' lifetime immersion in early music. In these rarely performed transcriptions, Busoni has re-imagined them in the style of Brahms' own late piano pieces.
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1. Bagatelles, Op 126-Beethoven 2. Gesange Der Fruhe (Songs of Dawn), Op 133-Beethoven 3. The Chorales, Op122 (Trans. By Busoni-Brahms