2019 release. Patty Griffin represents an extraordinary new chapter for this incomparable singer-songwriter and immediately stands among the most deeply personal recordings of her remarkable...
Japanese reissue. Part of Universal Japan's 'Hard-to-get' hidden Jazz masterpieces campaign. 2021.1. I Cried for You 3:30 2. Satin Wrap 3:00 3. Yesterdays 2:30 4. Riff-Raff 3:00 5. Bee-Ees 3:30 6...
Best known as the first African American woman to star in her own hour long drama television series, singer and actress Teresa Graves, star of the series "Get Christie Love!" was nominated for the...
The Grave Digger, originally released in 2001, was the band's 10th studio album by mastermind Chris Boltendahl. With songs based on stories by Edgar Allen Poe, it is considered the darkest work in...