A star-studded collection of mesmerizing early performances under the harrowing circumstances of the Vietnam War with 4 films that examine the consequences of war on both the soldiers and the...
As nervy as it is hilarious, this screwball masterpiece from Ernst Lubitsch (TROUBLE IN PARADISE) stars Jack Benny (THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM) and, in her final screen appearance, Carole Lombard (MY MAN...
In this adaptation of William S. Burroughs's hallucinatory, once-thought unfilmable novel NAKED LUNCH, directed by David Cronenberg (VIDEODROME), a part-time exterminator and full-time drug addict...
Bored during the 2020 lockdown, six twentysomething pals thought it would be a kick to have a medium join their teleconference and lead them in a seance. Their refusal to take the ceremony seriously,...