Not many artists stay relevant to their fanbase over a sustained period of time, but California singer-songwriter, Jeff Caudill, is one such rarity. Fronting and writing for poppunk band GameFaCe in the early 1990s, his voice and knack for a memorable hook and melody quickly established a dedicated following. He led the band around the globe, gradually shedding youthful exuberance for a string of increasingly mature releases, before fnally abandoning the tour van in 2003. It wasn't long before Caudill reappeared, acoustic guitar in hand. The new earthier sound was a logical progression from his punk roots. The release of acclaimed debut album, Here's What You Should Do, confrmed this was an artist equally comfortable mixing pop, indie and alt-country to create something fresh. a steady stream of releases followed, including his second full length, Try To Be Here and the aptly titled companion eP, Had To Be There. The trademark pop sensibility burns as bright as ever, and his lyrics connect with his loyal fan-base, confrming him as a man comfortable in his own skin. Never one to sit still
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