A glorious collection of Christmas music spanning over 900 years, centered around Britten's 'A Ceremony of Carols' - a work seen as both a signal of Britten's turn back towards English musical and...
Westminster Abbey Choir / Neary Ceremony Of Carols CD1. Rejoice in the Lamb: Festival Cantata, Op. 30 2. Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac, Op. 51 3. A Ceremony of Carols, op. 28: Processional 4. Wolcum...
Britten / Mccarthy / Anstine / Smith Ceremony Of Carols CD1. Procession 2. Wolcum Yole! 3. There Is No Rose 4. That Yonge Child 5. Balulalow 6. As Dew in Aprille 7. This Little Babe 8. Interlude 9...