Robert Redford, Bo Svenson, Susan Sarandon. A fighter pilot who exaggerated his accomplishments in WWI returns home in search of glory. First doing barnstorming to show off his aerobatic talents, he...
Mary-Louise Parker is back as pot-dealing widow and single mother-of-two Nancy Botwin for a third season of this hilariously subversive series. Thanks to the unresolved murder of Peter, her DEA agent...
New York, New High! After serving 3 years in the joint, the onetime suburban soccer mom is making a fresh start in New York City and going back to doing what she does best - selling pot. But when...
The hemptress returns in the complete fifth season of the Showtime's Original Series, Weeds. When pot-selling soccer mom Nancy Botwin took her homegrown business south of the border, she found the...