Walker Texas Ranger: Flashback - A geologist is killed after he claims to have found the lost treasure of Hayes Cooper, a Wild West Texas Ranger. Walker tells Trivette the story of the treasure as...
Airing on CBS from 1993-2001, this thrilling series stars Chuck Norris as martial artist/Texas lawman Cordell "Cord" Walker. Steeped in the traditions of his Native American ancestors, he attempts to...
Walker Texas Ranger: War Zone - Men dressed as clowns are robbing banks at gunpoint. During one heist, an ex-partner of Walker's is killed. Walker and Trivette are determined to find the ruthless...
Walker Texas Ranger - Something in the Shadows - Walker and Trivette are on the trail of a drug ring, while a new dean at the local college campus seems to have the inside track to Alex, impeding the...